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Play Online Chess and Assure Your Success
Welcome to the ultimate online chess learning resource! Never played chess before but would like to learn? Need to brush up on your strategy? All your needs from chess beginner to confident pro!

Learn Chess Rules In Minutes
Learn chess rules in a flash. Nail down the rules and the object of chess. Soon you can enjoy playing the greatest game on earth.

Search Basic Chess Rules FAQ or Ask Your Own
Welcome to the basic chess rules FAQ. These are the most frequently asked chess questions known to man. And if you don't find your question here just ask it I will answer promptly.

Get Up to Speed with Your Chess Glossary Index
Find out what all that chess jargon means in the Chess Glossary Index. You'll never have to smile and nod again wondering what those chess brainiacs are talking about with their zugzwang, counterplay or triangulation.

Nail Your Chess Notation to the Wall
Some people think chess notation is confusing but it's not really. There are a couple of main systems but only one you really need to know. And they're all dead simple. Nail it today.

Chess Basics - Speedy Tutorial on the Moves
Learn chess basics like how to move the pieces. It's the easiest thing in the world. Get ready to play your first game today.

Learn The Pawn Moves For Chess
Chess pawn moves described right here with diagrams and replayers. First thing to do if you're starting on the road to learn chess.

Learn The Knight Moves For Chess
Knight moves explained in the finest of detail. Using diagrams and replayers you will discover the ways of the knight and where this piece fits into the chess family.

Take the Knight Tour Eight by Eight Style
The Knight Tour has confounded and intrigued over the centuries. It has captured the imagination of chess enthusiasts and esteemed mathematicians alike. For everyone else it's a fun challenge.

Learn The Bishop Moves For Chess
The bishop moves around the board on light squares or dark but never both. Come see why a bishop pair can be really powerful in the right hands.

Learn The Rook Moves For Chess
Rook moves in mysterious ways for chess. Actually not really. Get a load of how this chess powerhouse takes control of open files and ranks. Working together two rooks form a battery threatening shock and awe.

Learn The Queen Moves For Chess
Queen moves explained in the simplest terms. Understand the devastating trail of destruction you can leave in your wake through expert handling of the queen.

Learn The King Moves For Chess
King moves are like queen moves in terms of direction but not in terms of scope. Learn how the central character in chess makes his way around the board.

Hot Chess Strategy To Get the Edge
Get your chess strategy nailed down right now. If you're going to be the top dog down the club you have to get the jump on your opponents.

Share Your Chess Strategies with the Community
Do you have top chess strategies or handy tips to increase success over the board. Or maybe you're hunting for tips yourself. Share the knowledge around, upload your tips and pick up strategies left by other players.

Use Fools Mate to Fool Your Mates
Fool's Mate and Scholar's Mate are two of the better known early checkmate combos. Protect yourself from the annoyance of falling into these traps and learn to spring them on others.

Hone Those Basic Checkmates to a Science
Get basic checkmates down. Nothing worse than outplaying your opponent and then not closing the deal. Learn the basic patterns for icing the enemy King.

Mesmerizing Chess Middlegames Get You the Edge
Chess middlegames are complex beasts. It is this phase of the game of chess that the issue is decided. Learn how to pin, fork, skewer and also when to trade pieces.

Polish Your Positional Chess So It Sparkles
Positional chess is about control, planning and pressure. Develop your pieces with long term goals in mind. Good positional play creates chances to launch tactical maneuvers.

Improve Chess Tactics - Burn the Enemy
It take practice to improve chess tactics. Lots of puzzles and playing chess every day will help you spot those chances bubbling just below the surface.

Chess Opening Strategy - The Underlying Logic
The difference between chess opening theory and chess opening strategy? Anyone can learn variations by heart but discovering the logic that pre-empted the variation is infinitely more valuable.

Share Your Best Chess Moves Here
Do you know some great opening chess moves that can win a piece early? Tricky little maneuvers that can catch the other guy unaware? What little trick works for you time and time again? Tell us more!

Encyclopedia of Chess Openings - The Openings Bible
The Encyclopedia of Chess Openings is the Bible of chess openings. From Volumes A through to E, the embryo of every possible opening, variation and sub-variation waits for you to sift through and consider.

ECO Index A is Where You Surf Through Irregular And Flank Openings
ECO Index A contains Irregular openings and Flank openings. They're all ready and waiting for you to play through them right away.

ECO Index B Defends with the Caro-Kann and the Sicilian
ECO Index B introduces you to the Caro-Kann Defence which runs from B10 to B19. Then you come to the main course - the Sicilian Defence. Become a Sicilian expert and you will have a wonderful weapon when playing as Black.

ECO Index C Presenting the French Defence, King's Gambit, Ruy Lopez and Friends
ECO Index C starts with the French Defense. Then the King's Gambit via the Center Game, Bishops Opening and Vienna Game. Some people reckon White's strongest opening is the Ruy Lopez.

ECO Index D; A Study of the Queen's Gambit and the (Neo-)Grunfeld Defences
ECO Index D is a study the Queen's Gambit Declined and Accepted finishing with the Grunfeld Defence.

ECO Index E; Home of the Indians with a Catalan Entree
ECO Index E starts with the Catalan Openings Open and Closed in entries E00 to E09. From there right through to the end it belongs to the Indian Defences. The Queen's Indian, Nimzo-Indian, Bogo-Indian and the King's Indian Defence.

Play Chess On a Global Battlefield
Play chess in a cutting edge online arena. Play or create your own tournaments. Win cubits from your chess victories in rated games and you can get great chess products in the store.

Key Positions
Master Chess Endgame Key Positions
All roads lead to the endgame. Learn the key positions and how to play them. Gain the upper hand in the battle when it's crunch time.

Lucena Position; Cornerstone of Rook and Pawn Endgames
The Lucena Position forms the cornerstone of rook and pawn endgame theory. It is recognised as such because all rook and pawn endgames can potentially be simplified to it.

Philidor Position; Stop the Lucena
The Philidor Position is the way to stop the Lucena from happening and you can hold out for equality. Hold the draw comfortably.

Pawn Endgames - The Definitive Guide
Pawn endgames can be the most difficult to calculate. All of the officers are gone, it's just king vs king, each with a number of foot soldiers under his command.

Material Face Offs
Learn Specific Chess Endgame Showdowns
The chess endgame contains many specific endgames. Bishop vs Rook, Queen vs two Rooks, Knight vs Bishop etc. Learned them thoroughly so that you can play them expertly.

Endgame Themes
Chess Endgames and Their Hidden Secrets
Chess endgames have several important themes. A little bit of technical know how in the final phase will send your win column soaring.

Laying Into the Opposition
How many games have slipped from your grasp in the endgame? You were looking good until right near the end and then it all went wrong? Find out how opposition makes it all go right!

Use Zugzwang to Armwrestle Your Way to Victory
Zugzwang is the key to gaining opposition. Opposition opens the door to victory. Win more chess games by learning the art of the zug. Yes you do need to know this.

Use Triangulation to Wrestle Your Opponent into Trouble
Triangulation is a key tactic in the chess endgame. With it you can force your opponent into zugzwang and then gain opposition. After that the victory is yours.

Positional Strategy
Winning Positional Strategy in the Chess Middlegame
Infuse the middlegame with positional strategy and an uncompromising iron will. Grind your opponent down with scientific knowledge of fundamental principles.
Get Your Chess Planning Into Top Gear
Chess planning ahead is a crucial part of chess strategy. The great Russian master of the 19th Century, Mikhail Chigorin, once said: Even a poor plan is better than no plan at all. Whatever the quality of your plan, make sure you have one. And why not make it a good one?

Chess Tactics Exploding the Middlegame
Hone your command of chess tactics and raise the level of your game. They don't say chess is 99 percent tactics for nothing.

Play the Chess Middlegame Like a Magician
Weave your chess middlegame magic to create winning chances. Will you slowly take command through masterful positional play or inspired tactical thrusts?

Closed Sicilian
Enter the Closed Sicilian for a Tense Psychological Struggle
Try the Closed Sicilian to stop Black making it a tactical shoot out. Build your position slowly and put the squeeze on in the late middlegame.

Open Sicilian (2...Nc6)
Open Sicilian - Power to Victory with 2...Nc6
Take the Open Sicilian for a wild ride through tactical thrillers. Playing 2...Nc6 is not for the faint-hearted, facing it is just as dicey.

Open Sicilian (2...d6)
Play the Sicilian Defence Confidently with 2...d6
Play the Sicilian Defence with 2...d6 with potential for tense positional battles or tactical fireworks. Learn the plans for both sides in this knife edge opening.

Open Sicilian (2...e6)
The Sicilian Defense - Blow White out of the Water with 2...e6
Surf the Sicilian Defense with 2...e6. Or learn it's secrets so you can beat it as White. With potential for trench warfare laced with tactical explosions chess is never dull in these lines.

Ruy Lopez - Morphy Defense
Ruy Lopez Opening - Travel it's Winning Corridors
Add the Ruy Lopez Opening to your arsenal for a classical, attacking option as White. As Black you can decide whether you like an open game or closed.

Ruy Lopez - Main Line
Make the Spanish Opening Main Line a Weapon of Choice
Play the Spanish Opening Main Line. Enter the living room of the Ruy Lopez Opening. This is the most important 1.e4 opening. Reach the heart of the Spanish Game.

Ruy Lopez - Alternatives to MD
Explore Black's Spanish Game Alternatives on the Third Move
The Spanish Game, also called the Ruy Lopez Opening is a vast opening complex with a wide variety of ideas and lines. Investigate the less travelled options on Black's third move.

King's Pawn Game - 1.e4
Explore the King's Pawn Game and it's Celebrated Openings
With the King's Pawn Game you will immediately throw the gauntlet down to the enemy. Get ready to launch fearsome Kingside Attacks.

French Defence
Use the French Defence to keep things tight. Surprise your opponents by launching incisive counter-attacks on the queen-side.

Caro-Kann Defense
Use the Caro-Kann Defense against 1.e4 to give you a solid position. Hold the better pawn structure heading into the latter stages.

Queen's Gambit Declined (w/o 3...Nf6)
Get Queens Gambit Declined Chess Down to a Science
Sink your teeth into Queens Gambit Declined chess openings. These are the lines that occur when Black does not play 3...Nf6.

Queen's Gambit Declined (with 3...Nf6)
Add the Queens Gambit Declined to Your Opening Repertoire
Classic Queens Gambit Declined lines leading to diverse positions and possibilities. Add some color to your game with openings of interesting attacking potential.

Slav Defense
Try the Slav Defense to Blunt White's Attack
Put the stop on White's Queenside schemes with the solid and dependable Slav Defense. A system employed by club players and Grandmasters alike.

Semi-Slav Defense
Semi Slav Defense for a Wild Ride
The Semi Slav Defense is a solid dependable system that can guide you safely through the opening. Find out what to look out for and how you can even play for an advantage.

King's Indian Defense
King's Indian Defense - Your Ace in the Hole
The King's Indian Defense is one of the key opening systems in chess. Sooner or later you need to make it your friend. Explore the attacking potential of this Rolls Royce opening.'s-indian-defense.html

Other Indian Systems
Discover Indian Defense Chess and it's Attacking Options
Play Indian Defense chess for an aggressive retort to 1.d4. Don't be passive as Black. Look White dead in the eye and challenge him to a deadly fight.

Queen's Pawn Game
Play the Queen's Pawn Game to Raise Your Level
The Queen's Pawn Game is a must have in the repertoire of the improving intermediate. I know that's you.

English Opening
English Opening - Attack with Reliable and Flexible Plans
The English Opening is a flank opening in which White will launch an offensive on the queenside leading to a positional game. It is the 4th most popular opening from White and has a high success rate.

Other Flanks
Play Flank Openings to Lay Siege to the Center
Flank Openings are a great way to inject a freshness in to your game and your thinking. Good, solid systems leading to unique positions full of interesting possibilities and lively play.

Irregular Openings
Chess Opening Moves with a Difference - Irregular Openings
Try offbeat chess opening moves for a different way to play. Some may come with a health warning but they are fun to experiment with.

Gambits (KPG Part A)
Gambit Your Way Through the King's Pawn Game
Want to try a gambit or two? Start with the King's Pawn Game. Learn these slippery opening maneuvers to get the jump on your opponents. They won't know what hit them!

Gambits (KPG Part B)
Chess Gambit - Hit Em for Six in the King's Pawn Game
Play a chess gambit and test your opponent's mettle. Welcome to Part B of the King's Pawn Game. More tricky gambits for you to spring on your friends and competitors.

The Belgrade Gambit - Energize the Four Knights
The Belgrade Gambit is an exciting way to take the quiet, pedestrian, Black and White Four Knights Opening and make it explode with a fusion of High Definition Technicolor.

Gambits (KPG Part C)
Play the Powerful Gambits of the King's Pawn Game
Play powerful gambits from the King's Pawn Game. Welcome to Part C of the KPG guide to sacrificial openings. Hand your opponents a poisoned chalice. A morsel too tempting to pass up and yet to toxic to eat.

Latvian Gambit - Play the King's Gambit with Black
The Latvian Gambit leads to very sharp lines as both sides walk a tight rope. White tends to get the advantage in most lines. But one mistake can be fatal and mistakes are easy to make in the maze that is the Latvian Gambit.

Gambits (King's Gambit Part A)
Get into Kings Gambit Chess - Multiple Gambits Inside
What's the craziest thing about Kings Gambit chess? Guess how many gambits you can fit in a gambit. More than 30 believe it or not. Come and meet the gambits lurking inside 1.e4 e5 2.f4.

Unleash The Kings Gambit For Sharp Exciting Lines
The kings gambit is risky but a deadly weapon in the right hands. Let those hands be yours and watch your opponents crumble one by one.

Gambits (King's Gambit Part B)
The King's Gambit - A Second Bag of Tricks
Welcome to Section B of the King's Gambit. Come and see 12 more deadly gambits inside the parent gambit. Find out what you can get for a pawn in today's market.

Gambits (King's Gambit Part C)
Chess Openings King's Gambit Style
It's chess openings, gambit chess. Ten more deadly gambits inside the King's Gambit. Throw pieces and pawns to the wind with wild abandon. Hunt down the enemy king with the open files and diagonals that remain.

Gambits (Vienna Game)
Vienna Chess - Check out the Vienna Gambit and More
Explore your gambit options in the Vienna chess. Smash the enemy with the Adams Gambit. Rip him apart with the Steinitz Gambit. Hit him from left field with the Vienna Gambit.

Vienna Gambit - Run the Rule on the Kingside
The Vienna Gambit runs with many similarities to the King's Gambit. The big difference is the presence of your c3-Knight and Black's f6-Knight in the center.

Gambits (Bishop's Opening)
Play Bishops Opening Chess for Deadly Gambits
Playing Bishop's Opening chess has the advantage of laying several gambits at your disposal. From the Greco Gambit to the Petroff Gambit to the Urusov Gambit and more.

Gambits (Sicilian Gambits)
Find Opening Gambits to Thrill in the Sicilian
The best opening gambits are the ones that hit your opponent like a runaway truck. Tear him apart with the Bronstein Gambit, Kasparov Gambit or even the Wing Gambit.

Try the Smith Morra Gambit to Tame that Sicilian
The Smith Morra Gambit is a highly tactical opening. Put these Sicilian specialists through their paces with this bag full of tricks. This is a fun gambit full of tasty combinations.

Gambits (French Gambits)
Surf Gambit Chess Openings - Ride the French Wave
Play some gambit chess for a different kind of opening. Confuse your opponent with the Winawer, Alapin and French Wing Gambits.

Gambits (Caro-Kann D / Alekhine D / Nimzowitsch D)
Try a Gambit Chess Opening Like the Alekhine or the Spielmann
Life is fun with a gambit chess opening or two. Try the Alekhine, Godley and Spielmann Gambits.

Gambits (Center Game / Scandinavian Defense)
Gambit Chess Openings - Center and Scandinavian
Did you know how many gambit chess openings you can play in the Center or Scandinavian? It's true, there's a number of these bad boys waiting to be unleashed in these two openings.

Gambits (Queen's Gambit)
Queens Gambit Chess to Win Positionally
Play some Queen's Gambit chess for real gambits. Throw some pawns at your opponent to snack on and take some space instead. The Anti-Meran, Anti-Moscow and Von Hennig-Schara Gambits await and that's just for starters.

Play the Positional Queen's Gambit
The Queen's Gambit has been around for at least 500 years. There are a plethora of variations attached, that in the main, fall into two distinct categories.

Gambits (QPG Part A)
Queenside Gambits - For Endgames with All the Aces
Queenside gambits are played to gain longterm structural advantages. Play for the ascendancy on this wing and grind your opponent's into dust. Move into the endgame with all the aces.

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Queenside Gamble
The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit was the solution to 3...e5! in the original Blackmar Gambit. You play 3.Nc3 Nf6 before proceeding with 4.f3. Now 4...e5 isn't so effective as it was in the Blackmar.

Gambits (QPG Part B)
Play a Queenside Gambit for Long Game Victory
Choose the Queenside gambit as your weapon of choice. Give your opponent a poisoned pawn and then close the net. Watch as the positional advantage you accrue far outweighs the material you gave up.

Benko Gambit - Take Over the Queenside
Pal Benko worked on the Volga in the 50s and 60s. The intention before then was to play 3...b4 and then 4...e6 to break down White's center. Benko wanted something completely different out of the opening.

Use Trickery in the Budapest Gambit
The Budapest Gambit was first seen in tournament play in Budapest in 1896 (Adler vs Maroczy). This was a low profile game however and the opening was not used frequently for another 22 years.

Gambits (Irregular Gambits)
Opening Systems - Sail the Hypermodern Seas
The most fun opening systems are packed with gambits and sacrifice. Add these venomous side swipes to your repertoire. Sharpen your tactical play like a razor and watch your opponents bleed.

Reti Gambit - Challenge Black's Center
The Reti Gambit was introduced by Richard Reti in the 1920s. It is a hugely flexible opening allowing you to transpose to a number of major opening families.

Early Greats
Medieval Chess Masters Crossing Swords
Chess Masters from Medieval Europe shaped the early history of the game on the continent. They spawned many of the well known openings still in use today.

Ruy Lopez de Segura - Original Chess Champion
Ruy Lopez de Segura (circa 1530 - 80) was a medieval Spanish bishop and the earliest unofficial World Champion. His chess books are among the earliest European literature on chess and some of his ideas still carry water today.

Giovanni Leonardo da Cutri - Il Puttino
Giovanni Leonardo da Cutri, born Giovanni Leonardo Di Bona (1552 – 97) was an Italian chess master. He was known by his nickname Il Puttino.

Paulo Boi - Il Bove
Paulo Boi was an Italian master widely recognized as the strongest player in the world after the death of Giovanni Leonardo. Born in Syracuse, Sicily in 1528, he was known as Il Bove or Il Siracusano.

Giulio Cesare Polerio - The Chess Historian
Giulio Cesare Polerio was an Italian chess master theoretician. He was born in Lanciano, Chieti, in the Abruzzo region of Italy.

Alessandro Salvio - The Chess Biographer
Alessandro Salvio was an Italian chess master considered to be the unofficial World Champion from 1598 and 1620. He ran a chess academy in Naples. His analysis on chess openings and players of his era were widely used until the 1800s.

Gioachino Greco - Il Calabrese
Gioachino Greco (1600 – 34) was an Italian chess master and writer. His great innovation was his introduction of tactical chess. He was quite adept at laying opening traps for his unsuspecting opponents. He was the first chess professional.

Philipp Stamma - The Syrian Sorcerer
Philipp Stamma (circa 1705 - circa 55) was a Syrian chess master and author. He lived and played mainly in England and France. He was one of the strongest players in the world behind only Philidor and Legall.

Legall de Kermeur - First French Champion
Legall de Kermeur (1702 – 1792) was the first in a line of French masters to dominate world chess. He was unbeatable for many years, only to be overtaken in his later years by his most famous student, Philidor.

Francois Andre Danican Philidor - Chess Soul
Francois Andre Danican Philidor (September 7, 1726 – August 31, 1795) was a French composer and chess player. He was the strongest chess master in the world throughout the second half of the 18th Century.

Alexandre Deschapelles - The Soldier Champion
Alexandre Deschapelles (March 7, 1780 – October 27,1847) was a French chess master. He bridged the gap between Philidor and La Bourdonnais Losing a hand in battle did not stop him from becoming the strongest player in the world. He was considered the unofficial world champion from about 1800-1820.

Louis-Charles Mahe de la Bourdonnais - The Precision Positioner
Louis Charles Mahe de la Bourdonnais (1795–1840) was another of the great French masters of this period. He only learned to play chess at 19 but just six years later was recognized as the strongest player in the world.

Alexander McDonnell - The Merchant of Belfast
Alexander McDonnell (1798–1835) was an Irish chess master, who contested a series of six matches with the world’s leading player Louis-Charles Mahé de La Bourdonnais in the summer of 1834.

Pierre Saint Amant - The Perennial Challenger
Pierre Saint Amant (12 September, 1800 – 29 October, 1872) was a leading French chess master. He gained noteriety by going down in a match against Englishman Howard Staunton in 1843 in an unofficial match for the World Chess Championship.

Howard Staunton - The Chess Piece Sculptor
Howard Staunton was an English chess master who was the world's strongest player from 1843 to 1851. He gained this recognition through his 1843 victory over Saint Amant. He developed his own famous style of chess pieces, still used today.

Gifted Artists
Chess Master Heavyweight Drum Roll
Many chess masters made incredible contributions to chess in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. These guys were scrapping it out to claim dominance and their battles will never be forgotten.

Adolf Anderssen - The Immortal One
Adolf Anderssen (July 6, 1818 - March 13, 1879) was a German chess magician. He was the world's leading chess player from 1851-58 and 1860-66 giving us gems such as the Immortal Game and the Evergreen Game along the way.

Daniel Harrwitz - The Great Improvisor
Daniel Harrwitz (29 April, 1823 – 9 January, 1884) was a Prussian chess master. He was a leading chess player in the 19th Century with a draw against Adolf Anderssen and he also pushed Paul Morphy hard in a match.

Henry Bird - Master of Bizarre
Henry Bird (14 July, 1829 – 11 April, 1908) was an English chess player and writer. He wrote a book titled Chess History and Reminiscences. Although he wasn't a professional chess player he lived and breathed the game. He would play anyone, anywhere, any time.

Paul Morphy - The Pride and Sorrow of Chess
This is a look at the life and times of Paul Morphy, one of the most important figures in chess history. The Pride and Sorrow of Chess. Paul Charles Morphy (June 22, 1837 - July 10, 1884).

Joseph Henry Blackburne - The Black Death
Joseph Henry Blackburne (10 December, 1841 – 1 September, 1924) was known in chess circles as the The Black Death. He was the best chess player in Britain during the second half of the 19th Century. He only learned to play chess at 18 but still played professional chess for half a century.

Johannes Zukertort - The Romantic Champion
Johannes Zukertort (7 September, 1842 – 20 June, 1888) was a leading chess master of German-Polish origin. He was probably the best attacking player in the world for most of the 1870s and 1880s. He lost to Wilhelm Steinitz's positional style in the World Chess Championship 1886.

Mikhail Chigorin - The Rise of Russia
Mikhail Chigorin (12 November, 1850 – 25 January, 1908) was a leading Russian chess master. He began the tradition of the Soviet chess machine that would take a vice-like grip on world chess in the 20th Century.

Isidor Gunsberg - The Hungarian Chess Computer
Isidor Gunsberg (November 2, 1854 – May 2, 1930) was a Hungarian chess master who narrowly lost the 1891 World Chess Championship match to Wilhelm Steinitz. He was also the man behind the chess machine, Mephisto.

Siegbert Tarrasch - Father of German Chess
Siegbert Tarrasch (5 March, 1862 – 17 February, 1934) was maybe the strongest chess player in the world around 1890 but did not challenge Steinitz because of work commitments. He was also an influential chess teacher in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

Akiba Rubinstein - The Endgame Maestro
Akiba Rubinstein (12 December, 1880 - 15 March, 1961) was a famous Polish Grandmaster in the early 20th century. His 1914 World Championship decider with Emanuel Lasker never happened because of World War I. He would be remembered as perhaps the greatest player never to become World Champion.

Aron Nimzowitsch - Pioneer of the Hypermodern System
Aron Nimzowitsch (7 November, 1886 - 16 March, 1935) was a Latvian master and one of the most important players and writers in chess history. He was probably the third strongest player in the world behind Capablanca and Alekhine in the 1920s.

Richard Reti - The Artistic Genius
Richard Reti (28 May, 1889 - 6 June, 1929) was a highly talented chess master from what is now Slovakia. He was a leading player after World War I and throughout the 1920s. He famously beat Capablanca in New York ending the mighty Cuban's unbeaten 8 year streak.

Official Champions
Chessmaster World Champions - The Greatest Gladiators
World Champions are a special breed of chessmaster. They are the greatest gladiators of the chess world. They played and won some of the greatest games ever played.

Your Greatest Chess Grandmasters Ever
There have been many great chess grandmasters down through the years, decades and centuries. There does not seem to be an undisputed greatest. Different people have different opinions. Who do you consider the greatest?

Wilhelm Steinitz - The Father of Modern Chess
Wilhelm Steinitz (May 17, 1836 - August 12, 1900) was born in Prague, then Bohemia now Czech Republic. He dominated world chess in the late 19th Century becoming the first World Champion.

Emanuel Lasker - The Complicated Master
Emanuel Lasker (December 24, 1868 - January 11, 1941) turned chess opening theory on it's head. He was a proponent of the art of complications, confusing opponents by not playing the recommended book move.

Jose Raul Capablanca - The Human Chess Machine
Jose Raul Capablanca (19 November, 1888 - 8 March, 1942) was the legendary chess master from Cuba. Dubbed the 'Human Chess Machine', many chessaholics hold that he was the most naturally talented chess player ever.

Alexander Alekhine - The Combination King
Alexander Alekhine (October 31, 1892 - March 24, 1946) from Moscow, Russia was one of the greatest chess players of all time. He constantly mental analyzed positions in his head and this helped him become a World Champion.

Max Euwe - The Genius of Order
Max Euwe (May 20, 1901 - November 26, 1981) was a Dutch Grandmaster. He was one of the less eulogized World Chess Champions. His enormous contribution to chess isn't celebrated to the extent that it perhaps deserves.

Mikhail Botvinnik - The Positional Bulldozer
Mikhail Botvinnik (August 17, 1911 - May 5, 1995) of the USSR dominated chess for 30 years with his relentless positional pressure that led one rival to compare him to a bulldozer. He was possibly the 20th Century's most important figure in the development of chess on and off the board.

Vasily Smyslov - The Truth Teller
Vasily Smyslov (24 March, 1921 - 27 March, 2010) was a Soviet Grandmaster and World Chess Champion. He scored best of all elite grandmasters for move accuracy and spent longer than anyone at the top level of chess.

Mikhail Tal - The Magician from Riga
Mikhail Tal (November 9, 1936 - June 28, 1992) was a Latvian Grandmaster, often described as the greatest attacking player of all time. He was known as the Magician from Riga because of his amazing tactical riddles.

Tigran Petrosian - Master of Prophylaxis
Tigran Petrosian (17 June, 1929 - 13 August, 1984), Armenia's World Chess Champion (1963-69), became known as Iron Tigran due to his inpenetrable defensive skills. At his peak he was almost impossible to beat.

Boris Spassky - The Universal Chess Master
Boris Spassky (b. January 30, 1937) is one of the most respected and loved GMs in the history of chess. He won the World Championship in 1969 and held it for 3 years until taking part in the Match of the Century.

Bobby Fischer - The Enigmatic Champion
Bobby Fischer (March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008) was a US master and World Chess Champion. He dominated his contempories in a manner not seen before or since. He won the Match of the Century.

Anatoly Karpov - The Boa Constrictor
Anatoly Karpov (born May 23, 1951) is a Russian Grandmaster who had two stints as World Chess Champion. He was a solid positional player who favored ruthless logic over flashy combinations.

Garry Kasparov - The Mercurial Chess Titan
Garry Kasparov (born 13 April, 1963) is believed by many to have eclipsed every other chess player in history to become the greatest ever. His career was not without controversy, his aggression over the board match by his ferocity off it.

Discover The History Of Chess as it Conquered the World
The history of chess is a story of mysterious intrigue. Spanning numerous continents, civilizations, and centuries, this game of kings has undergone as many changes as the cultures that have played it.

Brief History Of Chess Crash Primer
If you simply want to touch on the brief history of chess and don't want to get bogged down with every detail right now, here is your perfect speed read.

The Origin Of Chess Back In The Mists Of Time
Clouded in mystery and intrigue, the origin of chess is a source of much debate. Who invented the game of kings, the ultimate test in battlefield strategy?

The History of Chess Pieces
The history of chess pieces tell us much about not merely the grand old game of chess, but of the ancient civilizations from which it sprang. The game of chess is actually a representation of India in ancient times and the pieces are the characters.

Relive the Romantic Era of Chess
The Romantic Era of chess was a time beautiful combinations reigned supreme. Caution was thrown to the wind and no one played defensively. It was a race to the jugular right from the first move.

Relive Famous Chess Games of the Masters
Enjoy these famous chess games played by chess geniuses from different eras. These games are annotated to give you the inside track on the tactics and strategy in these mind-blowing games.

Amazing World Chess Championship Saga
The World Chess Championship was first contested by Wilhelm Steinitz and Johannes Zukertort in 1886. Since then epic games have decided who is chess king. This is a story of the championship.

World Chess Champions Ruling Imperiously
The World Chess Champions dominated this game playing incredible games packed with spell-binding combinations. Who were they and why is their story the story of chess?

Chess Quotes by the Masters
Great Chess Quotes from the lips of the greatest chess masters. Many of these will force a wry smile as you read thoughts conjured from the same ingenuity that inspired their chess.

Postal Chess - Fascinating Journey
Postal Chess was the old way to bring remote chess enthusiasts together before the computing age. Steinitz and Chigorin played postal chess while Steinitz was based in the US and Chigorin was in Europe.

The History of Computer Chess
The history of computer chess is a decades long journey that changed the face of chess. Programmers went from finding two move checkmates to winning a match against a reigning World Chess Champion.

Battle Chess - Putting the Fight into Chess
Battle Chess is the animated chess game. On screen animated medieval warriors play the parts of the chess pieces. Every capture is carried out with a very clever fight scene.

Incredible Celtic History of Chess
The Celtic History of Chess is a deeply interesting broadside from left field in the debate on the true origins of chess. Everyone knows about the ongoing discussion about India or China, but Ireland? Really?!

Find the Chess Variant for You
Discover the chess variant for you. These chess forms have evolved across the world. From the Far East to Central Asia to the Middle East, there are countless cousins. Here are 12 of the best.

Going Oriental With Xiangqi
Get to know the great game of Xiangqi. It is a close cousin of chess and you can pit your wits against opponents worldwide in fierce Xiangqi battles!

Antichess is the Reverse Chess Game
What is Antichess? Imagine a game where you have the opposite objectives to regular chess. You don't want to capture you're opponent's pieces, you want to lose your own pieces. It's a topsy turvy world.

Shogi from the Land of the Rising Sun
Shogi has emerged as the dominant chess variant in Japan. The ingenious drop rule is probably the reason why it has vanquished all other variants in Japan.

Chaturanga the Original Chess
Chaturanga dates back to the Gupta Empire in India around the 6th Century. It is the earliest known form of chess. Every chess variant can trace it's roots back to this game.

Learn Thai Chess Also Called Makruk
Thai Chess or Makruk is the closest chess variant to Chaturanga, the original chess game. It is played widely in Thailand and Cambodia, much more so than Western Chess.

Shatranj - Chess from Persia
Shatranj was the chess variant played in the ancient Persian world. When the Muslims conquered Persia in the 7th Century they brought Chaturanga with them, introducing chess to the region.

Chess 960 - Fischer Random Chess
Chess 960 or Fischer Random Chess is like regular chess except the pieces on the back row start in random positions. Throw out your opening theory books, you're on your own right from the first move. Every game is different.

Korean Chess - Want a Game of Janggi?
Korean Chess is very similar to Chinese Chess. It's a direct descendant. The board is the same except there is no river. It has the same pieces too but they move differently. There are a couple of other slightly different rules.

Circular Chess - Control the Rings To Win
Circular Chess retains all of the rules and characteristics of conventional chess. The only difference is the combat arena. The 8x8 square board is replaced with a circular ring board. This one small departure changes everything and changes it utterly.

Martian Chess - Control Territory not Pieces
Martian Chess is the chess game where you control territory, not pieces. You get certain section of the board under your control for the entire game. Any piece that moves into it becomes your piece.

Sittuyin from the Foothills of Burma
Sittuyin otherwise known as Burmese Chess is a direct descendent of Chaturanga. This chess variant is still popular in some North-Western provinces of Burma.

Hexes Chess - Chess on Hexagons for Incredible Mobility
Hexes Chess is played on 54 hexagons. It uses fewer spaces and fewer pieces than conventional chess. The hexagonal format greatly increases the mobility of each piece.

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Read about me, Ken Connaughton, and how I built Chessorb. This website is a reflection of my chess studies as I continually strive to increase my chess strength.

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Chess Rules
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Never played chess before? Not sure where to start? Want to find out what this game is all about? Why not get yourself down to learn chess rules? You'll be playing in no time!