Play Chess Blog

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Play Chess Blog - Keep up to date with Chessorb

Welcome to the Play Chess Blog. Contains every new update on the site. Keep in touch with all the new material on Chessorb.

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Things You Didn't Know (Quante cose che non si sanno e che sto Scoprendo):-)

Fatti interessanti sugli scacchi circolari

Ho conosciuto gli scacchi circolari da poco, e ho cominciato ad interessamene facendo ricerche e contattando persone vicino a questo gioco. In soli due

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Play the Powerful Gambits of the King's Pawn Game

Play powerful gambits from the King's Pawn Game. Welcome to Part C of the KPG guide to sacrificial openings. Hand your opponents a poisoned chalice. A morsel too tempting to pass up and yet to toxic to eat.

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Discover Indian Defense Chess and it's Attacking Options

Play Indian Defense chess for an aggressive retort to 1.d4. Don't be passive as Black. Look White dead in the eye and challenge him to a deadly fight.

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Try the Slav Defense to Blunt White's Attack

Put the stop on White's Queenside schemes with the solid and dependable Slav Defense. A system employed by club players and Grandmasters alike.

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Get Queens Gambit Declined Chess Down to a Science

Sink your teeth into Queens Gambit Declined chess openings. These are the lines that occur when Black does not play 3...Nf6.

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Explore the Kings Pawn Game and it's Celebrated Openings

With the Kings Pawn Game you will immediately throw the gauntlet down to the enemy. Get ready to launch fearsome Kingside Attacks.

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Chess Endgames and Their Hidden Secrets

Chess endgames have several important themes. A little bit of technical know how in the final phase will send your win column soaring.

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Overwhelmed and Fascinated (Fulminato e Affascinato)

I discovered circular chess recently and was immediately fascinated by it. I liked the idea that, as happens with chess960, it doesn't count to know openings

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Hexes Chess - Chess on Hexagons

Hexes Chess is played on 54 hexagons. It uses fewer spaces and fewer pieces than conventional chess. The hexagonal format greatly increases the mobility of each piece.

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